Possible Tariffs Imposed on Countries Importing Venezuelan Oil (Updated: 3/25)

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Setting up an ACE Secure Data Portal Account

To set up an ACE portal account, fill out the ACE Secure Data Portal Application.

Be ready to provide the following when applying:

  1. Name of the Company officer, title, and date of birth.
  2. Organizational structure; Corporation, Partnership, Individual, LLC, etc.
  3. Fiscal year end month and day.
  4. Importer number. (XX-XXXXXXXXX) 9 digits followed by 2 digits or characters. The Primary IR#, XX-XXXXXXX00 and all other CBP registered suffixes 01-ZZ must be included on the application.  Different suffixes can no longer exist under their own Top Accounts. If no suffix, put 00.
  5. Trade Account Owner (TAO) full legal name, date of birth, and email address. The TAO should be the person that will actually utilize the ACE portal, assign roles, add additional users, run reports and monitor items. This may not necessarily be the President of the company, if that person would not regularly use the portal or access the portal at all.
  6. Point of contact for the account with full legal name, date of birth, and email address.

The TAO must complete a “signed” ACE Application as proof of designation of the Account Owner and submit it to Customs and Border Protection (CBP).  Please note that the “signature” can be digital as noted on the ACE Application. This document must be signed by both the Principal and the Account Owner.

Once the application has been submitted, you will receive an immediate email confirmation.  Be sure to use check you SPAM filter and provide the correct email address.

A response email from the ACE application team advising your account has been created along with your temporary password and further instruction should be received in no longer than two weeks and will be in two separate emails.