USTR Issues Fifth Round of Section 301 List 1 Product ExclusionsUSTR Issues Fifth Round of Section 301 List 1 Product Exclusions
On June 3, the USTR unofficially released yet another list of HTS subheadings that are either partially or completely excluded from Section 301 List 1 tariffs – making it the fifth round of exclusions issued thus far. The official notice contains one (1) HTS subheading completely excluded from 25% tariffs, and eighty-eight (88) partially excluded HTS subheadings, […]
Continue Reading »USTR Launches Public Comment Period on Three Rounds of Section 301 Exclusion Extensions (List 3)
As you are already aware, the office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) issued 3 rounds of exclusions for Section 301 List 3 products between April 23, 2020 and May 21, 2020. At this time, these rounds of exclusions are currently set to expire on August 7, 2020. All cargo that has been entered for […]
Continue Reading »USTR Grants Extensions to Certain Products from the Fifth Round of Section 301 Exclusions (List 1)USTR Grants Extensions to Certain Products from the Fifth Round of Section 301 Exclusions
On May 28, 2020, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that just sixteen (16) exclusions from the fifth round of Section 301 tariff exclusions on List 1 goods will be granted extensions. As the exclusions for the fifth round of Section 301 goods (covering List 1) were set to expire on June 4, 2020, this […]
Continue Reading »USTR Grants Extensions to Certain Products from the Fourth Round of Section 301 Exclusions (List 1)USTR Grants Extensions to Certain Products from the Fourth Round of Section 301 Exclusions (List 1)
On May 12, 2020, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that just thirteen (13) exclusions from the fourth round of Section 301 tariff exclusions on List 1 goods will be granted extensions. As the exclusions for the fourth round of Section 301 goods (covering List 1) were set to expire on May 14, 2020, […]
Continue Reading »USTR Issues Additional Exclusions for List 4A Products, Amends Previous Exclusions for Certain Products from List 1 and 2USTR Issues Additional Exclusions for List 4A Products, Amends Previous Exclusions for Certain Products from List 1 and 2
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) issued a new set of product exclusions from Section 301 List 4A Chinese tariffs. The List 4A notice contains 3 HTS subheadings that are completely excluded and 5 partially excluded subheadings from List 4A tariffs, covering 27 separate exclusion requests. The exclusions will retroactively apply to all […]
Continue Reading »USTR Launches Public Comment Period on Seventh Round of Section 301 Exclusions Extension (List 2)USTR Launches Public Comment Period on Seventh Round of Section 301 Exclusions Extension (List 2)
As you are already aware, the office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) partially excluded 69 HTS subheadings from Section 301 List 2 tariffs on July 31, 2019. At this time, this round of exclusions is currently set to expire on July 31, 2020. All cargo that has been entered for consumption or withdrawn from […]
Continue Reading »USTR Begins Preparations Ahead of the Sixth Round of Section 301 Exclusions Expiration Date (List 1)USTR Begins Preparations Ahead of the Sixth Round of Section 301 Exclusions Expiration Date (List 1)
As you are already aware, the office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) partially excluded 110 HTS subheadings from Section 301 List 1 tariffs on July 9, 2019. At this time, this round of exclusions is currently set to expire on July 9, 2020. All cargo that has been entered for consumption or withdrawn from […]
Continue Reading »USTR Releases Third Round of Section 301 List 1 Exclusion ExtensionsUSTR Releases Third Round of Section 301 List 1 Exclusion Extensions
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that just 8 (eight) exclusions from the third round of Section 301 tariff exclusions on List 1 goods will be granted extensions. As the exclusions for the third round of List 1 goods were set to expire on April 18, 2020, this means that the 8 […]
Continue Reading »Food for Thought: Are Your Section 301 Exclusions Approaching Their Expiration Date?
As of May 27, 2020, the United States Trade Representatives (USTR) has published 32 rounds of Section 301 exclusions covering Lists 1, 2, 3 and 4a products. The exclusions include more than 2,000 possible items that, if produced in Mainland China and imported into the United States, may be eligible for an exclusion from the […]
Continue Reading »CBP No Longer Accepting Duty Deferral Requests
Understanding the challenges importers were facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, on March 20, 2020, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS) message 42097586, requesting case by case need for additional days for payment of estimated duties, taxes and fees. Today, CBP has notified the trade community that they […]
Continue Reading »Importing Face Masks & N-95 Respirators: What You Need to Know
With the Coronavirus upon us, global demand for supplies used to treat and help protect people, such as face masks and respirators, is currently exceeding supply. Fortunately, many manufacturers around the world have ramped up production to help get supplies where they are most needed. Importing these products is not simple! Here’s what you need […]
Continue Reading »USTR Announces Tariff Increases on Certain Section 301 EU ProductsUSTR Announces Tariff Increases on Certain Section 301 EU Products
On Friday, February 14th, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) revealed additional modifications to the Section 301 tariffs on approximately $7.5 billion worth of European Union (EU) products that originally went into effect on October 18th, 2019. The USTR will publish a notice in the Federal Register advising importers to prepare for the imposition of 25% […]
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