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Trump Vows to Increase Tariffs on Chinese Goods

In the latest escalation in the China-U.S. trade war, President Trump elicited a series of tweets on Friday, August 23rd stating that Section 301 tariffs imposed on Chinese products would increase across the board.

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CBP Extends Transition Period for Marking Goods Produced in Hong Kong

Earlier this month, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released a Federal Register notice advising importers that products made in Hong Kong will need to be marked as made in China beginning September 25, 2020. However, CBP has just released another notice revealing their decision to extend the transition period for compliance through November 9, […]

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Arrival Date to Govern Section 301 List 4A and 4B Tariffs

On August 15th, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that additional 10% tariffs (later raised to 15%) on Section 301 List 4A and 4B Chinese goods would be applied based on the entry date—which is the date the cargo arrives in U.S Customs territory or the date the Customs entry is filed, whichever is later. […]

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USTR Issues Revised List of EU Products Subject to Section 301 Tariffs

As you are already aware, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) imposed Section 301 tariffs on $7.5 billion worth of European goods in response to the European Union’s (EU) subsidization of Airbus in October 2019. Although the USTR already modified the list of EU products subject to additional tariffs earlier this year, the […]

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Hong Kong Airport Closed as Protests Continue – Monday, August 12th

Effective August 12th, Hong Kong Airport officials have cancelled all flights to and from Hong Kong until further notice, in light of worsening city-wide protests. At this time, it is unknown when authorities plan to resume regular airport operations. Per our Shap Flash on August 5th, most offices and major transportation routes have already been […]

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CBP Releases Guidance for Marking Goods Produced in Hong Kong

As you are already aware, President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order officially revoking preferential economic treatment for Hong Kong in response to mainland China’s enforcement of a controversial security law effective July 14. Now, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has released an official notice in the Federal Register advising importers that products made […]

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President Trump Reinstates Section 232 Tariffs on Certain Aluminum Imports from Canada

On August 6, President Trump announced that, effective August 16, 2020, a 10% tariff will be reinstated on imports of non-alloyed unwrought aluminum products from Canada. According to Trump, the decision to reapply Section 232 duties was made in light of recent data indicating the continued growth in imports of these articles from Canada, thereby […]

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USTR Extends Certain Product Exclusions from Section 301 List 3 Tariffs Set to Expire on August 7

On August 6, 2020, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that only two hundred and sixty-six (266) products from all 15 rounds of Section 301 tariff exclusions on List 3 goods will be granted extensions. As the exclusions for List 3 goods were set to expire on August 7, 2020, this means that […]

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USTR Releases First Round of List Three Product Exclusions from Section 301 Tariffs

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) released the first set of HTS subheadings that are partially excluded from Section 301 List 3 tariffs. The notice contains 10 HTS subheadings partially excluded from 25% tariffs, which cover 15 separate requests. The newest round of exclusions will retroactively apply to all List 3 products meeting the […]

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Supply Chain Reactions

Trump Announces 10% Tariffs on List 4 Chinese Goods Beginning September 1st

Today, President Trump announced that the U.S. will begin levying 10% duties on approximately 3,805 HTS subheadings covered in Section 301 List 4, totaling $300 billion in Chinese imports, effective September 1st. Trump’s decision to walk-back his initial postponement of additional List 4 tariffs on July 1st is due to President Xi’s failure to uphold […]

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USTR Extends Certain Product Exclusions from Section 301 List 2 Tariffs

On July 28, 2020, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that just fourteen (14) exclusions from the first round of Section 301 tariff exclusions on List 2 goods will be granted extensions. As the exclusions for this round of goods (covering List 2) were set to expire on July 31, 2020, this means that the […]

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