CIT Extends Section 301 Liquidation and Repository Deadlines for a Third TimeCIT Extends Section 301 Liquidation and Repository Deadlines for a Third Time
On Monday, August 16, 2021, the Court of International Trade (CIT) announced plans to extend the preliminary injunction preventing the liquidation of unliquidated entries subject to Section 301 List 3 or 4A tariffs from September 2nd until October 4th. In the same announcement, CIT judges also extended the August 20th deadline for US Customs and […]
Continue Reading »Meidong Container Terminal in Ningbo Suspends Services After Employee Tests Positive for COVIDMeidong Container Terminal in Ningbo Suspends Services After Employee Tests Positive for COVID
The Ningbo Meidong Container Terminal, also called Meishan Terminal, has suspended all inbound and outbound services after an employee received a positive COVID-19 test on Tuesday, August 10th. The terminal is one of five in the port of Ningbo. The closure restricts shippers from picking up empty equipment or gating-in containers. While some industry leaders […]
Continue Reading »UPDATE: Some Carriers Alter August SurchargesSome Carriers Alter August Surcharges
Per our earlier Shap Flash, carriers announced additional surcharges for August to help offset rising costs from operational delays, vessel backlogs and other kinks in supply chains worldwide. As we expected, some carriers have announced alterations to the original list of surcharges; please click here for a detailed snapshot of the updated surcharges and the […]
Continue Reading »CIT Announces Two-Week Postponement of Section 301 RepositoryCIT Announces Two-Week Postponement of Section 301 Repository
Some of you may recall that the U.S. Court of International Trade (CIT) announced on July 6, 2021 that it will halt the liquidation of unliquidated entries subject to Section 301 tariffs in wake of the thousands of plaintiffs who filed lawsuits targeting the legality of List 3 and List 4 tariffs on Chinese goods. […]
Continue Reading »US and Vietnamese Officials Reach Agreement Regarding Vietnam’s Currency PracticesUS and Vietnamese Officials Reach Agreement Regarding Vietnam’s Currency Practices
Today, U.S. Department of Treasury and State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) officials announced that they have “reached agreement to address Treasury’s concerns about Vietnam’s currency practices as described in Treasury’s Report to Congress on the Macroeconomic and Foreign Exchange Policies of Major Trading Partners of the United States.” Although the announcement falls short of explicitly […]
Continue Reading »Emergency COVID-19 Restriction Updates: Indonesia, Malaysia, and VietnamEmergency COVID-19 Restriction Updates
Indonesia Indonesia has imposed an emergency public activity restriction (PPKM) through July 20, 2021. The restriction was passed due to ongoing spikes of COVID-19 cases. There have been 56,757 confirmed cases as of July 15. The PPKM restrictions are focused on Java, Bali, and Jakarta. There are “rumors” that this PPKM will be extended for […]
Continue Reading »Carrier Profits, Market Chaos, and Dysfunction
Issue Date: July 14, 2021 Quote of the Issue: “There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.” – Bernard Williams Record Carrier Profits Amid Market Chaos and Dysfunction ShapLight Focus: Ocean carrier profits have already exceeded all of 2020 and are projected to eclipse $100B by the end of 2021, […]
Continue Reading »US and EU Reach Deal on Boeing – Airbus DisputeUS and EU Reach Deal on Boeing – Airbus Dispute
Today, the US and EU announced that they have reached a deal related to the Boeing – Airbus dispute. This marks the end of the longest running quarrel in the history of the World Trade Organization (WTO). According to the official White House Press release, the US and EU will suspend tariffs for five years and work together […]
Continue Reading »UPDATE – COVID Outbreak at Port of Yantian – May 27, 2021COVID Outbreak at Port of Yantian
Congestion has been one ramification of the COVID outbreak we reported on yesterday. In an effort to improve the traffic situation in the surrounding areas of the port of Yantian, Yantian International Container Terminals (YICT) has decided the following: Between 12 AM (midnight) on May 28th and 11:59 PM on May 30th, export-loaded containers will […]
Continue Reading »The Worst Suez Market Allocation ‘Ever Given’
Issue Date: April 22, 2021 Quote of the Issue: “Fear is, I believe, a most effective tool in destroying the soul of an individual—and the soul of a people.” – Anwar Sadat Suez Pushes Market to Worst Allocation ‘Ever Given’ ShapLight Focus: In March 2021, there were 3.02 million TEUs of ocean imports; this is 50.5% […]
Continue Reading »CIT Strikes Down Section 232 Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum ‘Derivatives’CIT Strikes Down Section 232 Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum
On Monday, the Court of International Trade (CIT) announced that it found that Donald Trump had violated his presidential authority when he expanded Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum derivative products back in January 2020. The decision was announced following months of litigation resulting from a lawsuit filed by PrimeSource Building Products – a […]
Continue Reading »The Vessel Blocking the Suez Canal has been DislodgedThe Vessel Blocking the Suez Canal has been Dislodged
We learned this morning that the grounded EVER GIVEN has been dislodged in the Suez Canal—and that it will be towed, during high tide, to Great Bitter Lake for inspection. It is expected that transits will resume later this evening and that the backlog will be addressed within the week. We will certainly keep you apprised […]
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