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Trump Announces 30-Day Air Travel Ban From Europe to U.S.

As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) officially enters pandemic status this week, President Trump announced a 30-day ban on all passenger air travel from Europe to the U.S. beginning Friday, March 13th at 11:59 PM (EDT). According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), any foreign nationals traveling within or from the 26 European states that […]

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Official List of Steel and Aluminum Products Affected by Additional 232 Tariffs Released

Per our previous Shap Flash, President Trump authorized the U.S. to impose an additional 25% tariff on certain steel products — and an additional 10% tariff on certain aluminum products — in response to the lack of positive results from existing 232 tariffs. The U.S. Department of Commerce has now released an official list of […]

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Update on China’s Coronavirus – January 28th

Related to yesterday’s ShapFlash: in wake of the rapidly spreading Coronavirus, the Chinese government has decided to extend its Lunar New Year an additional 3 days– from January 30th to February 2nd – in all cities except Shanghai and Ningbo. In the Shanghai and Ningbo provinces, which are closer to Wuhan, the New Year extensions […]

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Coronavirus Continues to Wreak Havoc

The deadly Coronavirus, which has already negatively impacted trade, has now claimed up to 80 lives and infected over 2,700 people. Wuhan, which served as ground zero for the outbreak, is still actively in the process of cancelling events and imposing mandatory quarantines. In a report released this weekend, the Chinese government had already decided […]

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Additional 232 Tariffs Placed on Finished Steel and Aluminum Products

In a statement made on Friday, January 24th, President Trump announced the imposition of an additional 25% tariff on certain steel products—and an additional 10% tariff on certain aluminum products—that  will go into effect on February 8th. The President cited the lack of positive results from existing 232 tariffs, amidst a surge of steel and […]

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China’s Coronavirus Begins to Impact Trade

China has commenced the process of reducing the number of ships calling the city of Wuhan in an effort to avoid the further spread of the Coronavirus, a deadly respiratory infection that first catalyzed in central China last week. A number of ships have been left idling along the Yangtze River, which serves as an […]

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French Champagne, Cheeses and Handbags Avoid Tariffs

Additional Section 301 tariffs that were set to be imposed against imports of French champagne, cheeses and handbags (among other products) will no longer take effect. The additional tariffs were originally introduced in retaliation to France’s proposed digital service tax, which would have negatively impacted Google, Facebook and other large U.S. operators. On Tuesday, January […]

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U.S.- China Phase One Deal Set to Lower List 4A Tariffs

On Wednesday, January 15th, the U.S. and China officially ratified Phase One of their planned trade deal. The key component of Phase One involves China’s purchase of an additional $200 billion in American exports. At this time, it does not appear that the USTR has specified the exact purchases to be made, but has rather […]

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USMCA Vote Set to Occur This Week

According to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) will be ratified at some point this week. Click HERE to view our previous Shap Flash that provides more detail and insight into the USMCA. Shapiro will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as they become available.

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REMINDER: List 4A Exclusion Filing Deadline is January 31st, 2020

If your products are impacted by the Section 301 List 4A tariffs, please remember that the exclusion filing deadline is Friday, January 31st, 2020. The official exclusion request portal can be accessed HERE. Please reach out to us at [email protected] should you require any assistance with the exclusion filing process. Shapiro will also continue to […]

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U.S. – Japan Trade Agreement Update

The U.S. – Japan Trade Agreement officially took effect on Wednesday, January 1st, 2020. Per our previous Shap Flash, the Agreement will actively reduce agricultural/industrial tariffs and digital trade barriers between the two countries. In order to receive preferential treatment under this new Agreement, a good must be originating and meet all the requirements of […]

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USTR Seeks Comments on Extensions for Second Round of Section 301 List 1 Exclusions

The office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) is seeking comments regarding the extension of exclusions on the second round of Section 301 List 1 exclusions, which are currently set to expire on March 25, 2020. This extension would add another year of validity to the current product exclusions. The USTR’s evaluation will primarily focus […]

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