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Search Results for: ILWU

Carriers Reinstate West Coast Port Congestion Surcharge Amidst Delayed ILWU/PMA Labor Talks

Despite multiple attempts from the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) to convince the International Longshore Warehouse Union (ILWU) to resume “big table” negotiations, the ILWU has postponed talks until no sooner than December 2, 2014.  During this time, the union will be participating in subcommittee negotiations dealing mostly with local issues.  Neither the PMA nor the […]

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Deteriorating ILWU/PMA Negotiations Threaten West Coast Trade

Congestion at the terminals of Seattle, Tacoma, Los Angeles, and Long Beach continues to worsen as both the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) and International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) appear to be no closer to resolving their ongoing labor dispute.  The PMA issued a new statement yesterday alleging that the ILWU is withholding skilled labor, […]

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PMA accuses ILWU of causing slowdowns in Seattle, Tacoma

Both the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) and International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) issued conflicting statements yesterday regarding an alleged slow down by dock workers in the ports of Seattle and Tacoma.   The PMA alluded that the union was engaging in slowdown tactics at the terminals in order to put pressure on the ongoing negotiations […]

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ILWU and PMA Reach Tentative Health Benefits Agreement

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) released a joint statement last night announcing that an agreement has been reached on the health care portion of the negotiations for their new master contract.  These negotiations have been ongoing since May and it was expected that discussions involving health benefits […]

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Update on ILWU Contract Negotiations and Strike Contingency Plans

On May 12th, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) began negotiating a new contract covering West Coast dockworkers as the current contract is due to expire on June 30th at midnight.  Details of the labor stoppage negotiations can be found in Shapiro’s Guide to ILWU Labor Negotiations, which provides […]

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ILWU Talks to Resume Tomorrow

With volumes running higher than average during comparable time-periods, the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) will resume talks tomorrow (Wednesday, July 22, 2014) after taking a brief hiatus to allow the ILWU to participate in a previously scheduled Longshore Division Caucus in San Francisco.  Although no agreement has […]

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ILWU Shows of Support for Teamsters While Ordered Back to Work After Walk Off

International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) workers walked off terminals earlier today at both the Port of Long Beach and the Port of Los Angeles in a show of support for the Teamsters union picketing action.  The ILWU had previously stated they would not cross picket lines should the Teamster Union choose to take action.  […]

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Teamster Picketing Adds Complications to Port of LA/LB Operations during ILWU Contract Negotiations

After a tentative sigh of relief from West Coast routed cargo owners, tensions are once again running high as the Teamsters union pickets in L.A./Long Beach.  The Teamsters drivers claim that they were incorrectly classified as independent contractors instead of true employees by trucking companies.  As contractors, the drivers do not receive the same overtime, […]

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Take Me Out to the Ball Game: How 3 Types of Freight Providers Perform During ILWU Labor Negotiations

The sun is out, the air is warm, and whether you know it or not, you’re going to a baseball game. Historically, labor disputes have been almost as popular as America’s favorite pastime.  This particular game is between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA).  They are only weeks […]

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Update on ILWU Contract Talks

With the current International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) contract due to expire on June 30th, the ILWU and Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) were set to begin negotiations this week on a contract covering West Coast dockworkers. The main topics expected to be covered during contract negotiations are stronger safety provisions, wages, benefits, technology, and […]

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Canadian & Baltimore Port Updates

Baltimore – Trapped Shipping Vessel is Freed! The container ship that was trapped under the fallen Francis Scott Key Bridge was successfully freed yesterday. Salvage teams employed multiple explosive charges to disentangle the bridge debris from the trapped vessel. The alternative channel has been established and has since moved 365 commercial vessels to and from […]

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Shipping Rates Round-up

Introduction In a world where global commerce never sleeps, we know how important it is to stay up to date on shipping rates. We strive to provide you with the latest intel on ocean, air, and drayage rates, while also providing a bit of zing with some predictions on the months ahead. Ocean Shipping Rates […]

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