Automotive Vehicles and Parts Added to Section 232 (Updated: 3/27)

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What you need to know about Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)

The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) system designed to facilitate legitimate trade while enhancing border security. ACE will improve collection, sharing, and processing of information submitted to CBP and government agencies.

ACE provides a single, centralized access window for the trade community to connect with CBP and its Partner Government Agencies (PGA) called the ACE Secure Data Portal. This “single window” concept will eliminate redundancy, dramatically reduce paper usage and operational costs, and facilitate faster, more efficient processing of imports and exports.

Automated Commercial
Environment (ACE) Benefits

The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) is the primary system or “single window” for the international trade community to submit import and export data to communicate with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other participating government agencies.

CBP and the partner government agencies will use ACE to collect, track, and process required trade information.


Electronic manifests allow the government to more quickly determine if incoming cargo poses a risk or can proceed into the country.

  • Designate a list of authorized partners who can use carrier custodial bonds.
  • Reduced wait time for processing at Ports of Entry.
  • Receive enhanced visibility of cargo status through new status messages.
Cargo Release

Working with representatives of trade associations, CBP has undertaken steps to simplify the entry process; resulting in a reduced data set, consisting of fewer elements to be filed for electronic submissions.

  • Streamlined submission of data elements.
  • Ability for PGA and CBP personnel to provide enhanced security, safety and compliance through faster processing.
  • No longer file CBP paper form 3461.
Post Release

Filers are also able to submit post summary corrections such as reconciliation, drawback, liquidation, and statements.

  • Reduction of electronic invoice transmissions through electronic Census overrides.
  • Decreased Courier and Administrative costs through elimination of paper.
  • ACE Periodic Monthly Statements also allow participants to pay duties and fees on a monthly basis rather than transaction by transaction.
Partner Government Agencies (PGAs)

ACE is working closely with Partner Government Agencies (PGAs) to implement the single window.

  • Document Image System (DIS) – electronically submit documentation needed by the Government during the import and export process.
  • PGA Interoperability.
  • PGA Message Set.
ACE Secure Data Portal Registration

The Secure Data Portal is a web-based entry point for ACE. It provides a centralized online access point to connect CBP, trade representatives and government agencies involved in importing goods into the United States.

The portal provides account holders the ability to identify and evaluate compliance issues, monitor daily operations, set up payment options, review and respond to filings, access a reports tool, compile data, and perform national trend analysis.

What are the benefits of an ACE Portal Account?
  • Receive, respond to, and monitor CBP Forms 28, 29, and 4647.
  • Enroll in Periodic Monthly Statements and customize payment schedules.
  • Create blanket declarations for entry summary processing and nationwide view.
  • Access AD/CVD case management and message Information database.
  • Access Importer Security Filing (ISF) and progress reports.
  • Access reports tool for real-time transactional data to identify and evaluate compliance issues.
Setting up an ACE Secure Data Portal Account

To set up an ACE portal account, fill out the ACE Secure Data Portal Application.
Be ready to provide the following on the application:

  1. Name of the Company officer, title, and date of birth.
  2. Organizational structure; Corporation, Partnership, Individual, LLC, etc.
  3. Fiscal year end month and day.
  4. Importer number.
  5. Trade Account Owner (TAO) full legal name, date of birth, and email address.
    a. Note: The TAO should be the person that will actually utilize the ACE portal, assign roles, add additional users, run reports and monitor items. This may not necessarily be the President of the company, if that person would not regularly use the portal or access the portal at all.
  6. Point of contact for the account with full legal name, date of birth, and email.
  • The Trade Account Owner must complete a “signed” ACE Application as proof of designation of the Account Owner and submit it to Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Please note that the “signature” can be digital as noted on the ACE Application. This document must be signed by both the Principal and the Account Owner.
  • Once the application has been submitted, you will receive an immediate email confirmation; be sure to use check you SPAM filter and provide the correct email address.
  • A response email from the ACE application team advising your account has been created along with your temporary password and further instruction should be received in no longer than two weeks and will be in two separate emails.

ACE Secure Data Portal Reports & Training

ACE Portal users have access to reports. By running targeted reports to conduct in-house audits, identify systemic errors and provide insight into entries under review by CBP, all in support of improved compliance with trade laws.

What are the benefits of using ACE Portal Reports?
  • Cargo Release and Entry Summary Data refreshed nightly.
  • Identify unauthorized filers.
  • Proactively monitor trade compliance and identify discrepancies.
  • Monitor periodic monthly statements as they are being built.
  • Account Revenue data updated hourly.
  • Any element transmitted in ACE, will become available in ACE reporting.
What type of ACE Reports will we have access to?

ACE report types include:

  • General – Cargo Release and Entry Summary Transaction Details
  • Financial – Periodic Monthly Statement Transaction Details
  • Exports – Export Commodity Transaction Details
  • Manifest – In-Bond Transaction Details
  • Reference – UN Location and Firms Codes

A list of pre-formatted reports can be found in the full ACE Reports User Guide or simply view Shapiro’s extracted List of Trade Reports.

Are there ACE Report video trainings available?

Of course! Shapiro has video tutorials for each step of the reporting process:

Ready to ace ACE?

Contact [email protected] today!

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