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Common Terminology
- ACE (Automated Commercial Environment) Cargo Release Messages
- AES (Automated Export System) Acronyms & Definitions
- Ad Valorem Tariffs
- Anti-Dumping Duties (ADD)
- Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)
- Binding Rulings for Imports
- Bill of Lading
- Bound Tariff Rates
- C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism)
- Compound Tariffs
- Countervailing Duties (CVDs)
- Customs Bonds
- Customs Classifications
- Customs Duty
- Customs Entry
- Customs Form 28 (CF-28)
- Customs Inspections
- Duty Drawback
- Export Tariffs
- Export Terms
- Force Majeure (Act of God)
- Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)
- Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
- General Rate Increase (GRI)
- Government Agencies
- Government Security, Compliance Programs & Initiatives
- Harmonized System (HS) Codes
- HTS Codes (Product Classification)
- Import Tariffs
- Importer of Record (IOR)
- Incoterms: CFR (Cost and Freight)
- Incoterms: CIF (Cost Insurance and Freight)
- Incoterms: CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To)
- Incoterms: CPT (Carriage Paid To)
- Incoterms: DAP (Delivered at Place)
- Incoterms: DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)
- Incoterms: DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded)
- Incoterms: Ex Works
- Incoterms: FAS (Free Alongside Ship)
- Incoterms: FCA (Free Carrier)
- Incoterms: FOB (Free on Board)
- ISF (Importer Security Filing)
- Logistics and Transportation
- Most-Favored Nation (MFN) Tariffs
- Ocean LCL & FCL
- Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA)
- Port of Origin
- Specific Tariffs
- Supply Chain Logistics and Trade Compliance Common Terms
- Tariffs
- Tariff Engineering
- Trade Compliance
- Trade Wars
- Value Added Tax (VAT)
Customs & Regulations
- ACE (Automated Commercial Environment) Secure Data Portal
- AES (Automated Export System) Direct
- Anti-Dumping & Countervailing Duty Investigation Timeline
- Anti-Dumping Measures
- Anti-Dumping Timeline
- Automated Clearing House (ACH) & Periodic Monthly Statement (PMS)
- Customs Exams
- Detention & Demurrage Charges
- Digital Services Taxes (DST)
- FDA Drug Data Elements in ACE
- Forced Labor Violations – How to Avoid for Your Imports
- History of Tariffs
- Importer Security Filing (ISF) – (Template)
- ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security) Code
- Periodic Monthly Statements (PMS)
- PGA's & Government Agencies
- Reasonable Care – A Checklist for Customs Compliance
- Responsibilities as an Exporter
- Schedule B Codes
- Section 301 Tariffs
- The Jones Act
- Tips for New Importers and Exporters
Freight & Supply Chain
- 7-Point Container Inspection & 17-Point Truck and Trailer Inspection
- Air Container Specifications
- Cargo Insurance: Coverage Options
- Cargo Insurance: Four Common Misconceptions Debunked
- Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ)
- General Average
- General Cargo Weight Limits
- Incoterms 2020
- LCL vs. FCL
- Merchandising Processing Fees (MPF)
- Ocean Container Specifications
- Per Diem
- Shipper’s Letter of Instruction (SLI)
- Shipper’s Letter of Instruction (SLI) - Form Completion Instructions
- SOLAS VGM Implementation (China)
- SOLAS VGM Implementation (Hong Kong)
- TEU (Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit)
- Transportation Conversion Tables
- Trucking Weight Limits by State
- Wood Packaging Material (WPM)