6 Tips to Avoid Demurrage and Per Diem Detention Charges

If you’re like most importers or exporters, you probably shuddered when reading the subject line. Oh, the horror of receiving an unexpected bill showing demurrage, detention, or per diem! Not only did you not plan for those fees, you may not be completely certain of the cause for such charges.
Well, I’m here to set the record (somewhat) straight. Let’s talk about when you may see these charges and how you might be able to avoid them.
What Are Demurrage Charges?
Demurrage is assessed on cargo that is left at the terminal beyond the allotted free time. Free time in contracts can vary, so be sure to check yours to ensure you understand exactly how much free time you get. Generally, the standard is 4-5 days. Once that free time expires, you will be charged a daily storage fee (demurrage) until you pull the cargo from the terminal. Demurrage amounts may differ based on terminal or carrier and often increase after an initial period of time. Daily demurrage charges can typically range from $75 to $150 per container per day, but that’s just for the first 5 days or so. Charges generally increase the longer the cargo stays on the terminal.
Tips to Avoid or Reduce Demurrage Charges
- Pre-clear your cargo and issue delivery instructions to your inland carrier in advance. If you work with a proactive broker like Shapiro, your cargo will be pre-cleared whenever possible so that coordination with the truckers can begin well before free time expires.
- Have a trucker “back-up” plan. If you’re dealing with a particularly congested port, having an alternate option for a trucker could be a life saver when time schedules become tight.
- Request extended free time. This only works for large shippers though, since they are based on the volume of containers you have arriving on a vessel at any given time. You might be wondering how much shipping would get you to the “large shipper” status. That really varies from carrier to carrier but you’ll probably need to be moving at least 800 containers a year to be even considered for this perk.
A final thought about demurrage: Because it must be paid before the cargo can be picked up from the port, you’ll often know about these fees early. While you can’t guarantee that you’ll never face a demurrage charge, advanced planning is the key to mitigating your exposure.
What are Detention or Per Diem Charges?
Detention is a tough one since you can hear it used in several contexts.
As with on-terminal storage, you also have a set amount of free time with the container itself. Keeping the container beyond that free time often results in a detention charge, frequently called a per diem (per day) fee. The amount of this charge can vary by carrier and port but usually ranges between $50 and $100 a day.
This is where it can get confusing. You may also see a detention charge from your inland carrier as a trucking-related fee based on driver waiting time. Typically, for imports, drivers will allow 1 to 2 hours free of charge to have the container unloaded so they can bring back the empty back to the port. For exports, drivers will normally wait the same to bring the loaded container to the terminal for onboarding onto the vessel. Anything beyond that waiting time will be charged as a driver detention charge. With the domestic trucking market in a bit of disarray, courtesy of driver and chassis shortages, new restrictions on hours of service, equipment issues, and port congestion, driver wait times appear to be at an all-time high.
Possible Reasons for Demurrage Charges
- Dispute between the shipper and consignee
- Consignee didn’t get the required documents in time for customs clearance
- The documentation received by the consignee is incorrect or insuffincient
- The container was stopped by customers, police, or other official authorities resulting in delayed cargo inspection
- Inefficient funds or finances in order to clear the container in time.
- The cargo that was received did not match the sales order
Tips to Avoid Shipping Detention Fees
- Dispatch cargo as far in advance as possible. This gives the trucking company time to schedule the pick-up and/or delivery. Make sure that the loading party (for exports) or the unloading party (for imports) is ready to take action when the container arrives.
- Negotiate more time for live loads/unloads. If you know the container takes longer than the allotted free waiting time to load or unload, try to strike a deal in advance for a bit of extended time. Otherwise, make sure you know your allotted free time and when the clock for billing starts. At least then you can be cognizant of the coming fees while loading/unloading the container.
- Schedule your loading/unloading with the detention clock in mind. This is important with dropped containers. You may think you have longer than you really do.
Quick Takeaways for Demurrage
I know that was a lot to take in so let’s do a quick recap. Demurrage is issued when your cargo exceeds time allotted sitting at the terminal, and detention/per diem is the fee associated with keeping the equipment past the contractual time frame or could also mean the fees for making truckers wait extra time when loading/unloading containers.
Demurrage is paid to the port, and detention is paid to the steamship line that owns the cargo container and/or to the trucker. If you get a bill for any of the above, it can’t hurt to double-check both the terminal records as well as the proof of delivery from the carrier, just to confirm the dates/times.
With all the moves a container makes, mistakes can happen, so do a little checking to make sure there are no errors. As always, we recommend partnering with a Customhouse broker and freight forwarder that helps you mitigate these additional charges by making sure your cargo is moved timely. Shapiro can help!
Do you have any horror demurrage or detention stories to share? (Who doesn’t, right?) Also feel free to ask us any other questions on this issue below.
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Mujeebur Rahaman says:
Very useful tips
raffique ali says:
Very useful info. I would like to use the info for presentation to a local chamber of commerce as it relates to cutting importation costs.
Shapiro says:
We are so glad this information is proving useful!
Kerri McAlarey says:
Would /should Bobtail charges be applicable if you have a drayage contract with a 3PL company ?.
Shapiro says:
Hello Kerri,
Thank you for posing this questions to us! The issue of bobtail charges, whether with a 3PL or a drayage provider, depends on the contract terms with your provider. If a special service was requested outside the scope of your normal agreement, you would need to pay the additional charges. However, you should try and leverage whether or not you were notified of the bobtail fees before the freight was moved to see if you could receive a reduction or have it eliminated.
Margaret says:
Good day do you have to pay dumurrage for consignments through the airport also
Shapiro says:
Hello Margaret,
For air freight, it is recognized as storage, but the concept is similar. Due to how quickly air cargo is shipped, importers typically have 1-3 free days before any charges are incurred, but this also depends on the carrier as well as the airport.
Ibrahim Ghalib says:
Here in Maldives , Port is managed by a public limited company. Per 20’FCL we have to pay US $186 and double this amount for 40’FCL at first as the handling charges.
10 day period is given to clear the shipment and days are counted starting from the next day afterthe container discharged date. Consignee have to complete the Customs documentation process and lodge a container shifting request to the Port company through their online portal everyday sharp at 6pm, to make the container available for clearance. Only a limited number of containers can be requested per day based on a quota set for both 20ft and 40ft. All the consignees has to be at computer ready to click the request because the quota gets exhausted within seconds! Whoever fails has to try again next day at sharp 6pm again and so and so.
For our recent shipment of 20ft, Shipping Line has put a wrong date on the Delivery Order as the due date and i was trying hard to do the online request to the Port to clear the shipment before due date (not knowing the due date shown is incorrect) and barely managed to lodge the request to clear on the last day. But at the last minute Ports Company informed that my container has past due date by one day and forced me to pay storage fees for 11days (including the free days as well) saying that its their regulation.
Shipping line washed their hands away and no one took the responsibility and had no choice but to eventually US $ 55 per day for 11 days and thus over US $ 600 with tax.
I personally do not believe that it is fair and justifiable in any manner to charge for 11days including the free days and even thought of challenging this at court but have to first study the laws and regulations here and discuss with a lawyer.
When the cost of shipment goes like this ultimately prices had to be increased to cover the loss and end customer will have to face huge prices which is again not fair for the customer.
Tina says:
I have a question? Our container arrived from Germany at Port Everglades on Friday the 30 of September. It cleared on Tuesday the the 4 th of October. They closed the port on Wed due to Hurricane Matthew. By Law can they charge me or is this price gouging ? We paid a door to door service .
Thank you for any info I can get.
Shapiro says:
Hi Tina,
We’re sorry to hear about the delays caused by hurricane Matthew.
It’s a tricky situation since the ports are run by different companies and each has their own tariffs. In some cases the port will allow an extra day if there is a unforeseeable reason for the port closure, but it depends on the terminal and port at which your container arrived.
You should contact your broker to see if they can reach out to the port for leniency given the uncontrollable events that took place after the hurricane.
Marguerite says:
I contracted with a French Co. to ship a 494 CFT container from France to Chapel Hill, NC, via Norfolk, VA. The French Co. partnered with a CA based Co., Schumacher Cargo Logistics, to handle Customs clearance and delivery to my home address. I paid Schumacher $ 1 150 for Demurrage, and $ 970 for Per Diem among other charges. My container was delivered to me on 31 July 2015. One full year later, the Carrier, CMA CGM sent me a bill for $ 1 250 for Demurrage and detention. I am arguing that I have already paid those charges, but the carrier insists I must pay them again. Is that legal ?
Thank you very much for your help.
Shapiro says:
Hi Marguerite,
Thanks for checking out our blog!
This should be a fairly simple situation to resolve since your Customs broker will have the invoice you paid for the charges. Simply reach out to your broker and explain the situation. They will be able to work with the CMA to show proof that the charges were indeed paid.
Please let us know if you have any other questions!
Laurie says:
We loaded a container and returned it ti the port. We then discover that we needed to get the container returned due to an error. How much does the port charge to have a carrier pickup this loaded container to return it later in the day
Shapiro says:
Hi Laurie,
Thanks for reaching out to Shapiro!
You will need to contact your customs broker/forwarder to have them contact the port and determine what additional costs would be associated with getting the container returned. You will be responsible for the trucking charges, but there may be additional charges for pulling the container if for instance it is under a stack of other containers.
Good luck with getting your container returned to your warehouse.
Mike says:
Today I got an email from my freight forwarder saying “Today I get an email from them saying “there was waiting time during the pickup at the port. The warehouse is currently unloading the container. I will keep you updated with the pallet count once available.
3.50 hours @ $45 = $157.50 waiting time”
I’ve been working with them for a year and never received a note like this before. Why should I pay them for this? It strikes me as a moneygrab because maybe things in the home office are a little tight. The quote doesn’t say anything about possibly incurring this fee. Thoughts?
Shapiro says:
Hi Mike,
We understand your frustration with the situation.
Depending on wait times at the port, truckers will bill for time spent waiting to gain entry and pick up the container. This has become more prevalent in the past couple years due to terminal inefficiencies and higher capacity vessels being unloaded.
Your freight forwarder should be able to provide you with an invoice from the trucker highlighting the charges so you can see exactly what was billed. We recommend that you speak with your forwarder to determine if there were other factors that caused the delay and how to avoid them moving forward.
Ada says:
So my german shipper comes two days earlier than agreed to pick up my 40ft container but I called to inform them that it was not ready as this was not the agreed date,driver left and came back a week after and lifts it. Now the I have received my bill and have been charged double (instead of 3400 euro I got 6000 euro bill). What can I do about this
McKenzie Dillon says:
Hi Ada,
We are sorry to hear about the issues you are experiencing.
If the driver showed up early and not at the date/time previously agreed upon then there is no reason you should be billed extra. You will need to continue to sort this our directly with the trucker.
Should talks stall you may want to consider consulting with a trade lawyer, though this can be an expensive undertaking.
Wishing you all the best.
Martha Simons says:
Trucking company can’t pick up containers at Port of Seattle, being told it’s too busy, when truck was available to pick up before demurrage fees could be assessed. How can the port keep getting away with charging these fees when it’s their problem in the first place?
Merritt Trigg says:
Hi Martha,
Sorry to hear about the issues you experienced at the Port of Seattle. Unfortunately significant backlog is occurring more frequently at ports all across the country due to a myriad of socio-economic factors.
Many ports, operators and carriers are recognizing this and have become more liberal with their free time. However, I will say that unless the port had ceased operations for some reason then your trucker still should have been able to pick up the goods despite the busy conditions at the port (there are a few exceptions here). Have you verified your trucker’s version of events with a contact at the port?
Unfortunately it is likely that neither ports nor operators will ever be held liable, due to the nature of contracts and cartage, in instances like these.
Wishing you the best of luck and please don’t hesitate to reach out ([email protected]) should we be able to be of any assistance with your future shipping/trucking needs.
Maurice A Kaz says:
Has anyone ever heard of a bank charging “demerrage ” charges when money is deposited and the bank with the money wants to charge the recipient these charges for not taking the money out immediately?
Merritt Trigg says:
Hi Maurice,
Thank you for checking out our blog and for your comment.
Unfortunately we would need more information from you in order to provide a sincere and accurate answer. Please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] for further discussion.
Kiran tambe says:
What’s difference between demurrage charges and late noting charges
Maura Perry says:
Hi Kiran,
Demurrage charges refer to the additional fees from the storage/terminal facility on cargo shipments that are picked up late. In order for us to best answer your question, could you please clarify what you mean by a ‘late noting charge’? Thanks so much for reaching out to us!
roxanne says:
just found out that customs has our delivery in storage for the last 2 months. We only found out by digging into why the shipment was taking so long. The kicker is that they are now charging us over 1500 for the storage. and they are now saying they sent 1 email to us. and that they do not have to do anything else to notify us. So the charges keep on accumulating. What can we do to at least lessen the charge?
Maura Perry says:
Hi Roxanne,
Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, you need to contact your freight forwarder or customs broker to find out why your shipment is in storage in the first place. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any more assistance!
Henning says:
Thanks for a nice blog.
I just got notified that my container is reaching Norway on December 25th. Obviously being the Xmas holiday so the company says I might have to pay extra fees, since they can only pickup and deliver on January 2nd. Does this make sense?
Many thanks
Maura Perry says:
Hi Henning,
Thanks for contacting Shapiro! The extra fees the company is referring to are likely the estimated demurrage (storage) charges that will be incurred between December 25 and January 2. Unfortunately, charges aren’t waved due to the holidays. Please let us know if you have any additional questions!
James says:
Are you familiar with the demurrage fees in Jordan? We are getting charged $250 a day which seems absurd. Is there an American rate and a Jordanian rate?
Maura Perry says:
Hi James,
Thank you for contacting Shapiro! Demurrage amounts may differ based on terminal or carrier (not by country) and often increase after an initial period of time. Daily demurrage charges can typically range from $75 to $150 per container per day, but that’s just for the first 5 days or so. Charges generally increase the longer the cargo stays on the terminal. If you received a bill, it can’t hurt to double check both the terminal records as well as the proof of delivery from the carrier, just to confirm the dates/times. Good luck!
Muhammed says:
Great information. However i have a question about a 40ft container that i shipped internationally, the container when under custom hold and if was physically examined which i already paid the exam fee. My shipping agent then sent me Demurrage charges of over $1600 for missing the initial sail date from i understand. I’ve been trying to find information about how this charges are make but is still doesn’t make sense to me. Can you please advise. Thanks!
Maura Perry says:
Hi Muhammed,
Thank you for contacting Shapiro. It is likely that the $1600 fee corresponds to additional time your shipment was in storage before it was finally able to sail. However, we would need more information about your shipment in order to verify or estimate any demurrage charges. We recommend contacting your forwarding agent to determine the source of the additional fees. Please let us know if we can be of additional assistance.
Betty Eaton says:
When using a broker do you as a shipper have a choice as to what port you want to use?
Maura Perry says:
Hi Betty,
Thank you for contacting Shapiro. When shipping with a broker, you are able to be involved in your carrier and route selection, depending on the terms of sale. In some cases, factors such as price and pre-existing carrier contracts may also weigh in when determining entry location. Ultimately, you and your broker should work together to find the best way possible. Good luck with your shipment!
Charity says:
This article is quite informative and insightful.Thank you so much.
Toni Gohel says:
we have been told we have huge bill as our shipment was held for customs inspection but our customs agent did not warn us this bill was building up and the shipment has been in a uk port for over a month. Now it has cleared customs but we have had no explanation as to why the long delay. The bill is more than the stuff is worth. Any suggestions please!
Maura Perry says:
Hi Toni,
Thank you for contacting Shapiro! Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid a container getting pulled for a customs exam. We recommend contacting your customs agent to ask them to provide you with a dock receipt listing all charges accrued during the examination and storage at the UK port. This will help provide insight when determining what party was responsible for the extra charges on your shipment based on your terms of sale. Good Luck!
Mauricio says:
Is it possible for a regular individual to get a u-haul and deliver your own stuff to the port? If so, what are the things to keep in mind besides the pre-clearing by your agent? I was given a quote where my 20 ft container is more expensive to deliver to the port (Vegas – Long Beach) than the price in the ocean (to France)
Maura Perry says:
Hi Mauricio,
Thank you for contacting Shapiro. Unfortunately it is not possible for an individual to rent a U-Haul to deliver the goods to Port as there are too many regulations in place. Good luck with your shipment!
Bahattin Inik says:
Hello Everyone I am really facing the big problems my container arrived at the Port after they they hold for inspection it’s take 27 days after that they finished inspection they send me bill $4300 I paid after 6 months I got other invoice $12000.00 they charge me for 27 days demurege and 27 days late return
This is ridiculous MSC did it any one have a Idea can Halp me
Ray Merejo says:
I pull a container from terminal, loaded container & returned it back within the time frame the carrier gives us.
container was placed on US CUSTOMS HOLD.
Container was inspected and returned back to the terminal and now carrier is charge detention charges
are these charges valid/legit since container was under the possession of USCBP which we have no control?
Maura Perry says:
Hi Ray,
Thank you for contacting Shapiro. Although the container was under the possession of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), under 19 USC 1467, CBP has the right to examine any shipments imported into the United States, and you, the importer, are required to bear the cost of those cargo exams. Therefore, you are responsible for payment of any detention charges incurred from your carrier during examination. Good luck!
Koh says:
Hi. If after unloaded container have find out damaged, what should I do
Maura Perry says:
Hi Koh,
Thanks for reaching out to Shapiro! Based on the limited knowledge we have of your shipment we would suggest looking over the contract that was signed between your forwarder and the shipper to get a better understanding of liability and responsibility for damages. If the items were damaged during the shipping process, the contract should specify who is responsible for what. Hopefully this helped and best of luck!