A Maritime Moment for Helen Delich Bentley
On Saturday, August 6th the maritime industry suffered a great loss as infamous Baltimore Port advocate, Helen Delich Bentley, passed. She was renowned for her work in growing the maritime industry as a whole and will be sorely missed. After earning her Journalism degree from the University of Missouri, Helen was hired by the Baltimore […]
Continue Reading »A Baby Boomer’s Call for Infrastructure Improvement
As the title of this blog proclaims, I am a baby boomer – but certainly not a curmudgeon. I’m old enough to remember first-hand when America was still a shining beacon of progress and prosperity. Back when the interstate system was still new and growing; heck, I even remember when I-95 wasn’t even completed yet […]
Continue Reading »Shipping Pitfalls: Surviving the Holidays as an eCommerce Seller
As the holidays creep closer, shoppers are gearing up to spend hard earned paychecks on their favorite aunts, grandparents, and more importantly… marketplaces. If you were a seller during last year’s holiday season, you probably remember the trauma of last-minute capacity tightening, peak season surcharges and general rate increases, trucking timelines, customs exams, and the […]
Continue Reading »The Secrets of Importing Your Amazon Product – Q&A!
If you are (or plan to be) an Amazon seller importing physical goods from overseas, we hope you took some time watch our Secrets of Importing Your Amazon Product WEBINAR hosted by Shapiro’s very own FBA Manager, Nicola Phillips Malaney. In case you didn’t get your fill of logistics goodness during the webinar, we’re back to […]
Continue Reading »Weighing in on Container Load Limits
When shipping cargo in an ocean freight container, it’s certainly tempting to adopt the mindset that you’ve paid for the space in that box and, dammit, you’re going to use it! We get it! But alas, there’s more than that to compliant shipping. Observance of the maximum load limits of a container isn’t the whole […]
Continue Reading »Margie Shapiro’s Annual Outlook 2016: The State of Logistics
JOC’s Annual Review and Outlook outlines the major challenges, opportunities and trends in the global transportation and logistics industry via reports from the editorial staff and insight from the industry’s top players. Major segments highlighted include maritime, trucking, rail and intermodal, air cargo, government and logistics. Contributors have years of experience and range from CEOs […]
Continue Reading »The Proof is in the Pudding: The Importance of Manifest Confidentiality
Imagine you are back in 4th grade and happen to be the pudding czar of the elementary school’s most lucrative snack trade (you know; pudding for just about anything – mostly lunch money – strawberry Gusher’s for Cheetos, those little fudge elf cookies for string cheese and everything else that falls within the trade; don’t […]
Continue Reading »Congress Finally Acts FAST on America’s Infrastructure
On Friday, December 4th, a decade-long congressional standoff on federal transportation funding came to an end with the signing of Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act by President Obama. The landmark legislation allocates $305 billion dollars to America’s multimodal transportation network over the next five years, a marked change from the short-term one to two […]
Continue Reading »The Short and Long of the 2015 Sea Freight Market
Like many of you, I just saw The Big Short and was appropriately shocked and sickened by the greed, the fraud, the cynicism, and the strong feeling that history will simply repeat itself in the coming years. And, just to brighten this blog a bit, let me add that I was also amazed that the […]
Continue Reading »How Truckers Became an Endangered Species
“The cargo has been discharged, but we are still looking for an available a trucker.” No phrase is more petrifying for an importer who has already had to deal with the stress and interruptions of port strikes, chassis shortages, and airport congestion delays that have become the ‘norm’ when bringing goods into the U.S. While […]
Continue Reading »2015 Holiday Peak Season Has Ocean Carriers Seeing Red
After a busy 2014 and first quarter of 2015, ocean carriers are having a very unhappy holiday peak season. Poor bets on future economic growth, new infrastructure, increased vessel capacity, and importer inventory trends have created a shipping environment with excess supply and dwindling demand. How did the shipping industry, which was enjoying record profits […]
Continue Reading »3 Common Causes for Air Cargo Split Shipments
Have you tracked your air shipment and found that only 23 cartons of 100 arrived? Or, maybe you’ve heard this popular message from one of the larger air carriers, “your shipment has been split for more efficient transportation.” More efficient? For whom? Split Shipments occur when an air carrier transports cargo covered under a single […]
Continue Reading »Dredging the Confusion Surrounding the Harbor Maintenance Fee (HMF)
Maintaining any form of infrastructure comes at a cost. Developing and growing that infrastructure is equally costly. Dredging isn’t free; nor is disposing of dredged materials properly. As importers into the United States, it is simply expected that the bill from your broker will likely arrive with a Harbor Maintenance Fee (HMT/HMF) line item. However, […]
Continue Reading »4 Reasons Lower Bunker Fuel Prices Don’t Mean Lower Shipping Rates
Importers and exporters checking gas pump receipts have been looking around and scratching their heads… If gasoline is so cheap, why haven’t shipping rates decreased? Since 2008, carriers have cited the rising cost of fuel for increases in shipping rates. This made sense since fuel surged by a whopping 279% from 2008 through 2014, but […]
Continue Reading »Margie Shapiro’s Annual Outlook 2015
The January 2015 edition of the JOC Annual Review & Outlook contributes an industry barometer and analysis of the challenging year ahead including changes that may be coming in the broader economy, in the marketplace or in the regulatory world that will affect business in 2015 including Air Cargo, Government, Logistics, Maritime, Rail and Intermodal and Trucking sectors. The […]
Continue Reading »Low Sulfur Surcharge: High Confusion and High Costs
The maritime industry has been through quite a lot in the past few years, from carriers leaving the chassis business, to U.S. East and West Coast labor issues, to the introduction of mega-vessels, to atypical peak seasons, and rate fluctuations. And yet, another surcharge is about to take center stage. Say hello to the Low […]
Continue Reading »Why Do the Ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach Look like a Parking Lot? The 5-Minute Guide to Understanding the Congestion
Unless you just started your first logistics job today, you’ve heard about the chaotic situation at the ports of LA/LB. It’s a lot more likely that you have not only heard about it, but that you have felt its impact to your supply chain, budget, and sanity. After enduring weeks of slow moving freight through […]
Continue Reading »6 Tips to Avoid Demurrage and Per Diem Detention Charges
If you’re like most importers or exporters, you probably shuddered when reading the subject line. Oh, the horror of receiving an unexpected bill showing demurrage, detention, or per diem! Not only did you not plan for those fees, you may not be completely certain of the cause for such charges. Well, I’m here to set […]
Continue Reading »11 Essential Questions To Ask Before You Consider Self-Filing Your Customs Entries
So there you are, going about your (crazy) business, and out of nowhere, your boss asks, “Hey, what if we started to self-file our Customs entries and did it all in-house? Wouldn’t that save us a lot of money?” Your world seems to temporarily collapse and you can’t breathe properly. How do you even begin […]
Continue Reading »Do’s and Don’ts of Supply Chain International Business Etiquette
For anyone who has attended a meeting with a vendor from China, I’m sure you’ve noticed, and hopefully you’ve reciprocated, that business cards are given and received with some ceremony, using both hands to give and accept. A card isn’t merely a card in the Chinese culture; it’s a piece of the person to be […]
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