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Don’t Let Wood Packing Material (WPM) Violations Slow Down Your Supply Chain!

If you’ve been living under a rock since 2005 or aren’t fluent in compliance geek, you’re likely not aware of the International Standards of Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM 15) Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade, which we wanted to bring to your attention as U.S. Customs has plans to start issuing lofty violations against […]

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Avalanche Industries Guest Blog: The Secrets to Expanding Your Brand

Essential Online Presence Amazon is the largest internet-based retailer in the world. They have retail websites for 15 different countries and the ability to ship worldwide. With that kind of exposure, it only makes sense for retailers to have their products listed on the website. Brick and mortar appeals to local consumers and independent websites […]

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Winter is Coming: How to Survive the Shipping Season Ahead

As summer winds down and winter approaches, so too begins the eCommerce Holiday Shipping Season!  If you were a seller during last year’s holiday season, you likely remember the rush to get your goods out from your suppliers amid, space tightening, peak season surcharges, general rate increases, trucking timelines, customs exams, and the all-important final […]

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Skubana Guest Blog: The Private Labelers Guide to Navigating Amazon Incentivized Review Changes (Plus Examples You Can Steal)

Until the end of 2016, incentivized reviews were the bread and butter of Amazon review marketing, enabling sellers to offer products to reviewers to quickly boost reviews and sales.   In June of 2016, Review Meta published a study showing that incentivized reviews on Amazon were heavily biased in favor of the seller. This was […]

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Importer Clarity for FDA’s FSVP Program

To our fellow food importers, Many of you may have heard that FDA is imposing yet another program in 2017 called Foreign Supplier Verification (FSVP) Program. Don’t stress. Shapiro is here to make sure you are compliantly prepared.  We’re guessing you have some questions, so we’ve compiled an FSVP FAQ guide to help: What is FSVP? […]

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Shapiro Centers of Excellence Design Aligns with CBP

Customs now has a solid new platform of visibility called Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). They also have established commodity specialists and developed commodity Centers of Excellence and Expertise (CEE). These entities have much more access to information—and are extraordinarily informed about commodities—much, much more informed than they have ever been. This is especially true because […]

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World First Guest Blog: 7 Steps to Selling on Amazon Japan!

Author: Christian Hudspeth – World First  It’s hard to find an e-commerce market with more promise than Japan. For starters, the country boasts some of the most online shopping-savvy consumers on the planet. A whopping 80% of Japan’s population (or 100 million) shop online according to comScore, besting US online shopper rates of around 70%. Japan’s e-commerce […]

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6 Real Tips for New Importers Entering eCommerce

Whether you’re a crowd-funding startup, or a first time seller on one of Amazon’s multi-national programs, it is easy to see that ecommerce is changing the way we purchase – and fast. Rapidly expanding markets with “limitless” opportunities; who wouldn’t want to take the plunge?  But beware the dangers that lurk beneath the surface – […]

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Margie Shapiro’s Annual Review and Outlook for 2017

JOC’s Annual Review and Outlook outlines the major challenges, opportunities and trends in the global transportation and logistics industry via reports from the editorial staff and insight from the industry’s top players. Major segments highlighted include maritime, trucking, rail and intermodal, air cargo, government and logistics. Contributors have years of experience and range from CEOs […]

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Beware of Customs Bearing Gifts: Informed Compliance Letters!

It’s the ole’ Trojan horse scenario. Just when you think Customs is being helpful sending out Informed Compliance Letters to your business with information to “assist” your company with ensuring compliance, they will state in the document that since this information has been provided to your company, violations that may occur in the future could […]

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