5 Performance Indicators You Should Consider with Your Long-Term Logistics Provider
Let’s take a walk down memory lane. Remember your search for “the one?” The courtship, the evaluation process, the long sleepless nights, the bidding wars… Remember making that call to say, “I pick you!” I’m talking about choosing a forwarder, of course! Think back to that time. Now consider, what selection criteria did you use? […]
Continue Reading »Take Me Out to the Ball Game: How 3 Types of Freight Providers Perform During ILWU Labor Negotiations
The sun is out, the air is warm, and whether you know it or not, you’re going to a baseball game. Historically, labor disputes have been almost as popular as America’s favorite pastime. This particular game is between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA). They are only weeks […]
Continue Reading »The Anatomy of a Perfect Commercial Invoice: 11.5 Point Checklist
Importing can be tough. There are so many rules and regulations for importers to keep track of that it can be easy to forget all of the information that’s required for a Customs entry. One of the most important documents brokers need for writing entries is the commercial invoice. Without an invoice, we would have […]
Continue Reading »Top 3 Reasons to Review Your Import/Export Trade Compliance Program NOW!
When was the last time you took a long, hard look at your trade compliance program? What compliance program? Perhaps you work for a company where you wear multiple hats – purchasing, logistics, and oh yes, take care of that Customs stuff, too. Your priorities may depend on your reporting structure. If you report to […]
Continue Reading »10 Ways Technology Can Improve Your Supply Chain (and Personal) Productivity
I’d be hard pressed to deny that technology consumes my life today. At this very moment, I am writing this blog while streaming music using Pandora and monitoring my email on the same device that houses all of my documents, pictures, and embarrassing videos. Cisco, one of the world’s largest technology firms, estimates that the […]
Continue Reading »Why Every Importer of Tile and Stone Cannot Afford to Miss the “Crystal Ball Look at Future Transportation Issues” Session at Coverings 2014
Every winter as you prepare your budgets for the upcoming year, I imagine each of you Logistics Managers standing in front of a mirror and saying, “mirror, mirror on the wall, what are my ocean freights going to be next Fall?” While the image may be slightly comical, the thought highlights a very real problem. […]
Continue Reading »How the Chinese New Year Affects your Logistics, No Matter What your Zodiac Sign Is
It snuck up on you, didn’t it? Much like the dreaded summer bathing suit season – the one you keep saying you’ll start that diet for next week – that time of the year has arrived. Maybe it was the gestational holiday season when you gained 15 pounds from fruit cake alone, or the collective sigh […]
Continue Reading »Do Exporters Have to Keep Records, Too? A Guide to the Ins and Outs of Export Recordkeeping
I sincerely hope this does not shock anyone but recordkeeping is not only for importers! Exporters must maintain records as proof of compliance with U.S. government regulations for a minimum of 5 years. If Customs and Border Protection (CBP), or the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), Census, or any other U.S. Government Agency that […]
Continue Reading »9 Reasons Why CIF Shipping Is Too Good to Be True!
What is CIF shipping? Cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) or CIF shipping is an international trade term that represents a contract where the seller will cover the goods’ transport to the port of origin, main carriage, and minimum insurance. Easy-peasy, right? I understand that the temptation to buy on a Cost, Insurance & Freight (CIF) […]
Continue Reading »Importer Security Filing: 7 ISF Best Practices You Shouldn’t Ignore
The Importer Security Filing (ISF) began in January 2009 with a one-year introductory phase-in period. Full enforcement began in January 2010, but Customs and Border Protection (CBP) maintained a flexible and measured enforcement stance. Penalty guidelines were published in July 2009, but Customs held off doing anything until July 2013 when they announced they would […]
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