USTR Asks If Domestic Industries Want Section 301 Tariff ExtensionsUSTR Seeks Input from Domestic Industries on Section 301 Tariff Extension Requests
- May 3, 2022
Today, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) issued a notice asking representatives of domestic industries to provide details regarding their utility of Section 301 tariffs since they first went into effect four years ago.
In the announcement, the USTR informed companies that have benefited from Section 301 tariffs of the possible termination of the duties and asked representatives to request a continuation of the tariffs if desired. Requests for extension must be submitted prior to July 6, 2022—the four year anniversary of the enactment of Section 301 duties.
If the USTR receives one or more requests for an extension by the deadline, it will publish an additional Federal Register notice to announce the continuation of tariffs while it conducts an official review. At that time, those interested in commenting on the extension will be provided the opportunity to do so.
However, if the USTR concludes that the additional tariffs provided no benefits at all, they will be terminated effective July 6, 2022.
If you are interested in submitting a request, please visit the USTR Comment Portal.
Click here to view the official Federal Register Notice.
If you have any questions related to Section 301 tariffs, please contact [email protected].
Shapiro will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as they become available.