Canada announces an additional $125 billion in tariffs; comments due 4/2 (Updated: 3/14)

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USTR Announces Another Round of Section 301 Exclusions for Certain List 3 Products

USTR Announces Another Round of Section 301 Exclusions for Certain List 3 Products

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) released an additional set of product exclusions from Section 301 List 3 Chinese tariffs. The List 3 notice contains 32 specially prepared HTS subheadings partially excluded from 25% tariffs, which cover 39 separate requests respectively. According to the USTR, the latest round of exclusions will retroactively apply […]

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USTR Releases Additional Section 301 Exclusions for Certain List 3 Products

USTR Releases Additional Section 301 Exclusions for Certain List 3 Products

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) released an additional set of product exclusions from Section 301 List 3 Chinese tariffs. The List 3 notice contains 2 HTS subheadings completely excluded from 25% tariffs, and 34 partially excluded subheadings, which cover 42 separate requests respectively. According to the USTR, the latest round of exclusions […]

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Certain Thai Products to Lose GSP Status Effective April 2020

Certain Thai Products to Lose GSP Status Effective April 2020

On Thursday October 25th, the office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that one-third of Thai exports, including all seafood, would lose their Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) status effective April 25, 2020. According to the USTR, President Trump decided to suspend $1.3 billion in preferential trade for Thailand based “on its failure to […]

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USTR Releases Additional Product Exclusions from Section 301 List Three Tariffs

USTR Releases Additional Product Exclusions from Section 301 List Three Tariffs

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) released another set of HTS subheadings that are partially excluded from Section 301 List 3 tariffs. The notice contains 83 HTS subheadings partially excluded from 25% tariffs, which cover 95 separate requests. The newest round of exclusions will retroactively apply to all List 3 products meeting the specified […]

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USTR Will Begin Accepting List 4A Exclusion Requests Effective October 31st

USTR Will Begin Accepting List 4A Exclusion Requests Effective October 31st

The office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced plans to establish an exclusion process for products subject to additional Section 301 List 4A tariffs that went into effect on September 1st. Though no official announcement has been released yet, the USTR revealed that it will open an electronic portal for the submission of requested […]

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Turkish Steel Back to 50% Tariffs

Turkish Steel Back to 50% Tariffs

In a Tweet posted on Monday, October 14th, President Trump announced that Section 232 tariffs on imports of Turkish steel would be bumped back up to 50% effective immediately. The additional tariffs on Turkish steel were initially put in place in August of 2018 and were subsequently reduced to 25% in May of this year. […]

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Trump Postpones Additional Tariffs Set for October 15th

Trump Postpones Additional Tariffs Set for October 15th

On Friday, October 11th, President Trump announced the postponement of additional duties on over $250 billion worth of Chinese goods amidst positive trade talks with China. The additional tariffs were set to take effect on Tuesday, October 15th and would have increased tariffs on list 1, 2 and 3 items from 25% to 30%. President […]

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USTR Releases Additional Guidance Ahead of Section 301 EU Tariffs

On October 3rd, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that additional Section 301 tariffs on European Union (EU) goods will go into effect on October 18th. The USTR has published an official notice in the Federal Register advising importers to prepare for the imposition of additional tariffs (ranging from 10% to 25%) with respect to […]

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USITC to Open Portal for MTB Petition Submissions on October 11th

USITC to Open Portal for MTB Petition Submissions on October 11th

The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) will open a portal for Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB) petition submissions on Friday, October 11, 2019 at 8:45 a.m. On Tuesday, October 8, 2019, the USITC will hold a public walk-through on the MTB petition process and online portal at the USITC Building, Hearing Room A, 500 E Street SW, […]

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USTR Releases Final List of EU Goods Subject to Section 301 Tariffs

USTR Releases Final List of EU Goods Subject to Section 301 Tariffs

As you are already aware, the World Trade Organization (WTO) authorized the U.S. to impose additional tariffs on nearly $8 billion worth of European goods in response to the European Union’s (EU) subsidization of Airbus on September 25th. The office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) has now released an official list of EU products […]

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WTO Permits U.S. to Impose Tariffs on $8 Billion of European Goods

WTO Permits U.S. to Impose Tariffs on $8 Billion of European Goods

On Wednesday, September 25th, the World Trade Organization (WTO) authorized the U.S. to impose additional tariffs on $8 billion worth of European goods in response to the European Union’s (EU) subsidization of Airbus – Europe’s leading manufacturer of airplanes and aviation equipment. Though the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) has yet to announce a specific percentage […]

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China to Impose $75 Billion in Retaliatory Tariffs Against U.S.

China to Impose $75 Billion in Retaliatory Tariffs Against U.S.

In response to the United States Trade Representative’s (USTR) recently announced Section 301 List 4A and List 4B tariffs against Chinese products, China now plans to levy additional tariffs totaling $75 billion on U.S. soybeans, automobiles and oil.

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USTR Postpones 10% Tariffs on Certain List 4 Chinese Goods Until December 15th – Others Still Subject to Planned September 1st Tariffs

USTR Postpones 10% Tariffs on Certain List 4 Chinese Goods Until December 15th – Others Still Subject to Planned September 1st Tariffs

Though supply chain disruptions continue to cripple Hong Kong, it appears that it’s not all bad news for China trade today, following the U.S. Trade Representative’s (USTR) announcement that certain products will not be subject to additional 10% tariffs until December 15th. According to the USTR’s announcement, List 4 goods were evaluated based on health, […]

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USTR Releases First Round of Product Exclusions for Section 301 List Two Tariffs

USTR Releases First Round of Product Exclusions for Section 301 List Two Tariffs

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) released the first set of HTS subheadings that are partially excluded from Section 301 List 2 tariffs. The notice contains 69 HTS subheadings, which cover 292 separate requests. Please note again that these subheadings are only partially excluded from the 25% tariffs. The newest round of exclusions […]

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CBP to Issue Changes to Final Statement Process in Late Summer 2019

CBP to Issue Changes to Final Statement Process

Later this summer, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will deploy a change that affects the back-end processing of ACH Debit/Credit transactions.  The impact will be minimal for importers, but still marks an important change in process. Importers not participating in PMS (Periodic Monthly Statement) As the process exists today, a final statement is received the […]

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USTR Continues Tariff Investigation on European Union (EU) Imports

USTR Continues Tariff Investigation on European Union (EU) Imports

Per our previous Shap Flash, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) had announced that it commenced proceedings under Section 301 of the Trade Act into a long-standing dispute concerning subsidies granted to the large civil aviation industry within the European Union (EU) and other member states. The USTR has recently revealed that it is […]

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Hopeful G20 Talks Lead to Postponement of Additional Tariffs

Hopeful G20 Talks Lead to Postponement of Additional Tariffs

The U.S. and China are restarting trade negotiations following an enthusiastic meeting between President Trump and President Xi at the G20 summit this past weekend. Negotiations between China and the U.S. had previously stalled amid China’s failure to adequately address intellectual property concerns posed by the U.S., resulting in increased tariffs on all products falling […]

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Time to Get Cookin’ – Section 301 List 3 Exclusion Process Commences June 30th!

Section 301 List 3 Exclusion Process Commences June 30th

Per our previous Shap Flashes, the office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced plans to establish an exclusion process for products subject to Section 301 List 3 tariffs. The electronic portal allowing for exclusion submission requests will go live on Sunday, June 30th, 2019 at 12:00 PM. If you are “feeling the heat” in the kitchen as a result […]

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USTR Extends Effective Entry Date for Additional Section 301 List 3 Tariffs

USTR Extends Effective Entry Date for Additional Section 301 List 3 Tariffs

Friday, May 31st was a busy day!  In addition to announcing the termination of GSP privileges for India effective 6/5, the office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) shared that goods shipped prior to May 10th that fall under List 3 will NOT be subjected to an additional 15% in duties (from 10% to […]

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India to Lose GSP Status Wednesday, June 5th

On Friday, May 31st, President Trump announced that India would lose its Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) status effective Wednesday, June 5th. India’s GSP status is being revoked as President Trump feels that India is not ensuring the U.S. “equitable and reasonable access to its markets.” India’s loss of GSP status follows Turkey’s, and comes […]

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