USTR (Again!) Extends Certain Section 301 Tariff Exclusions Until May 15, 2023USTR (Again!) Extends Certain Section 301 Tariff Exclusions Until May 15, 2023
With consideration to the production capacity of the United States, and the country’s continuing efforts to combat COVID, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) announced that it would extend Section 301 tariff exclusions on 81 medical products used to treat COVID-19 until May 15, 2023. These exclusions were formerly scheduled to expire on February 28, […]
Continue Reading »Importers Should Prepare for New ACE/UFLPA Requirements, Effective March 18thImporters Should Prepare for New ACE/UFLPA Requirements, Effective March 18th
As you are aware, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recently posted updated information about the upcoming Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) Region Alert—which is a new ACE enhancement scheduled to go live on March 18, 2023. The UFLPA Region Alert will add new validations to ACE in specific applications, which means: What does an importer […]
Continue Reading »USTR Requests Comments on Continuation of COVID Exclusions from Section 301 TariffsUSTR Requests Comments on Continuation of COVID Exclusions from Section 301 Tariffs
As you may already be aware, in November 2022, the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) announced that it would extend Section 301 tariff exclusions on medical products used to treat COVID-19 for an additional 90 days. With the exclusions set to expire on February 28th, the USTR announced they are seeking public comments […]
Continue Reading »USTR Extends Certain Section 301 Tariff Exclusions Until September 2023USTR Extends Certain Section 301 Tariff Exclusions Until September 2023
Today, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that it will extend Section 301 tariff exclusions on 352 products from China for an additional nine-months. The exclusions were previously set to expire on December 31, 2022. The exclusions from Section 301 tariffs include: The extensions announced in this notice will apply as of […]
Continue Reading »USTR Extends Section 301 Tariff Exclusions for Certain Medical Products until February 28, 2023USTR Extends Section 301 Tariff Exclusions for Certain Medical Products until February 28, 2023
Today, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that it will extend Section 301 tariff exclusions on medical products used to treat COVID-19 for an additional 90 days. The 81 exclusions were originally set to expire on November 30, 2022; however, the exclusions will now apply to products meeting the specified criteria until […]
Continue Reading »USTR Requests Public Comments on Continuation of Section 301 TariffsUSTR Requests Public Comments on Continuation of Section 301 Tariffs
As you may already be aware, in May 2022, the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) began an initial review to determine whether Section 301 tariffs should continue to be imposed on products from China—the four year anniversary of the enactment of the duties. Last month, after receiving more than 400 requests for continuation […]
Continue Reading »TTB Publishes Temporary Regulations for CBMA Tax Benefits Effective January 1, 2023TTB Publishes Temporary Regulations for CBMA Tax Benefits Effective January 1, 2023
The Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA) provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) provide for reduced rates or tax credits for certain quantities of beer, wine, and distilled spirits produced in or imported into the US. A recent change in the law transferred responsibility for administering the CBMA tax benefits for imported alcohol from Customs […]
Continue Reading »USTR Announces Continuation of Section 301 Tariffs for List 1 and 2 ProductsUSTR Announces Continuation of Section 301 Tariffs for List 1 and 2 Products
On Friday, September 2, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that Section 301 tariffs would continue for List 1 and 2 products from China. The decision follows a May announcement from the USTR that informed companies that have benefited from Section 301 tariffs of the possible termination of the duties; it also […]
Continue Reading »DHS Releases Forced Labor Enforcement Strategy DocumentDHS Releases Forced Labor Enforcement Strategy Document
On Friday, June 17th, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) enforcement strategy; the document was required to support the UFLPA’s rebuttable presumption that goods connected to the Xinjiang region are made with forced labor as of June 21, 2022. According to the Forced Labor Enforcement Task […]
Continue Reading »Ocean Shipping Reform Bill Officially Signed into LawOcean Shipping Reform Bill Officially Signed into Law
Update as of 6/16/22: This afternoon, President Biden signed the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022 (OSRA 22) into law. Per our initial ShapFlash, the US House of Representatives passed the Senate version of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022 (OSRA 22) by a vote of 369-42. As always, Shapiro will continue to monitor […]
Continue Reading »USTR Extends Section 301 Tariff Exclusions for COVID Products Until November 30USTR Extends Section 301 Tariff Exclusions for COVID Products Until November 30
The US Trade Representative (USTR) has announced another 6-month extension of Section 301 tariff exclusions on products used to treat COVID-19. All 81 product exclusions will now be extended until November 30, 2022. The initial extension for all specified products was scheduled to expire on May 31, 2022. Click here to view the official notice. […]
Continue Reading »USTR Asks If Domestic Industries Want Section 301 Tariff ExtensionsUSTR Seeks Input from Domestic Industries on Section 301 Tariff Extension Requests
Today, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) issued a notice asking representatives of domestic industries to provide details regarding their utility of Section 301 tariffs since they first went into effect four years ago. In the announcement, the USTR informed companies that have benefited from Section 301 tariffs of the possible termination of […]
Continue Reading »President Biden Signs Legislation Removing Russia and Belarus from Normal Trade RelationsPresident Biden Signs Legislation Removing Russia and Belarus from Normal Trade Relations
On Friday, April 8, 2022, President Biden officially signed the following bills into law to end permanent normal trade relations status for Russia and Belarus and to enact the previously announced ban on Russian oil: H.R. 6968 – the “Ending Importation of Russian Oil Act” bans any importation of energy products from the Federation of […]
Continue Reading »CIT Releases Decision on USTR’s Authority to Impose List 3 and 4A Section 301 TariffsCIT Releases Decision on USTR’s Authority to Impose List 3 and 4A Section 301 Tariffs
Today, the Court of International Trade (CIT) released a ruling indicating that the US Trade Representative (USTR) had the authority to impose the List 3 and 4A Section 301 tariffs covering over $200 billion in Chinese goods. Although the decision was not in favor of the plaintiffs—a group comprised of over 3600 separate lawsuits—who argued […]
Continue Reading »USTR Extends 352 Expired Exclusions from Section 301 TariffsUSTR Extends 352 Expired Exclusions from Section 301 Tariffs
On March 23rd, the U.S. Trade Representative announced the extension of 352 exclusions from Section 301 tariffs on China. The exclusions, which had previously expired, will remain in effect through December 31, 2022. The exclusions from Section 301 tariffs include: List 1: 89 Exclusions List 2: 34 Exclusions List 3: 187 Exclusions List 4: 42 […]
Continue Reading »White House Issues Executive Order Banning Certain Imports, Exports and New Investments from RussiaWhite House Issues Executive Order Banning Certain Imports, Exports and New Investments from Russia
Earlier today, President Biden announced that the US, along with Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the European Union, will revoke Russia’s Most-Favored-Nation (MFN) status in light of the country’s continued invasion of Ukraine. Additionally, the White House announced it would be taking the following measures: Banning export of luxury goods to Russia […]
Continue Reading »White House Approves Modifications to 2022 US Harmonized Tariff Schedule
* IMPORTANT: This alert was updated on 12/27/21 to include the effective date. * On December 23, 2021, the White House released a proclamation to modify the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the US (HTS) in order to implement the 5-year update to the World Custom Organization’s (WCO) global Harmonized System (HS). The recommended modifications are […]
Continue Reading »CBP Harmonized Tariff Schedule to be Postponed until Further NoticeCBP Harmonized Tariff Schedule to be Postponed until Further Notice
CBP’s five-year Harmonized Tariff Schedule update to the World Customs Organization and its Harmonized System will not take effect on January 1, 2022. According to CBP’s CSMS message, ““CBP is awaiting formal direction for this update, which will be implemented by Presidential Proclamation and published in the Federal Register. In the interim, CBP will continue […]
Continue Reading »USTR Extends Certain Exclusions from Section 301 Tariffs for COVID Treatment Products until May 2022USTR Extends Certain Exclusions from Section 301 Tariffs for COVID Treatment Products until May 2022
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that it will extend 81 of 99 Section 301 tariff exclusions on products used to treat COVID-19 for an additional 6 months; these exclusions were originally set to expire on November 14, 2021. The extended exclusions will apply to products meeting the specified criteria until May […]
Continue Reading »USTR Requests Public Comments Related to Reinstatement of Certain Section 301 ExclusionsUSTR Requests Public Comments Related to Reinstatement of Certain Section 301 Exclusions
As you may already be aware, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) revealed that it is considering the possible reinstatement of previously extended Section 301 product exclusions. Now, the USTR has announced that it is seeking comments from the trade community to help determine which of the 549 exclusions—which previously expired in late […]
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