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Alert Categories: Regulatory/Compliance

Presidential Proclamation 9813 Removes GSP Privileges for Many Products on November 1, 2018

On October 30, 2018, President Trump issued a Presidential Proclamation which both changes some product classifications for fruit juices and removes Generalized Systems of Preferences (GSP) privileges for many products. For complete details of the products affected, please click here. These changes will go into effect on Thursday, November 1, 2018. Please reach out to our […]

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Procedures & Requirements for the Craft Beverage Modernization Act & Tax Reform of 2017

Customs and Border Protection released instructions for receiving reduced tax rates per the Craft Beverage Modernization Act and Tax Reform of 2017 (CBMA). For an importer to be eligible to receive a reduced tax rate or a tax credit, importers must substantiate that the foreign producer/assigning entity has designated an allotment of its reduced tax […]

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Implementation of the Craft Beverage Modernization Act

The moment we’ve all been waiting for is around the corner! As previously advised by the Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA), reduced tax rates and/or tax credits are applicable to importations of certain limited quantities of distilled spirits, beer or wine imported from each foreign producer/assigning entity (as described in the CBMA).  Further, the allocations […]

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U.S., Canada and Mexico Reach New Trade Deal

Just prior to the midnight deadline on September 30th, Canada agreed to the terms of a new trade agreement with the United States and Mexico. The new deal, which has been aptly named the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), will replace the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The significant components of the agreement involve dairy, […]

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Updates to Section 301 Tariffs

As many of you may be aware, on September 21, 2018, the USTR published a Notice of Modification of Action providing for the imposition of additional import duties on a third list of Chinese products. On September 28, 2018, the USTR published a Notice of Amendment of Action announcing changes to the tariff classifications covered […]

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CBP User Fees to Increase on October 1st, 2018

It’s been a few months since the announcement in the Federal Register, but please remember that several user fees will increase effective October 1st, 2018. One of the most significant changes will involve merchandise processing fees (MPF).  While the ad valorem rate of .3464% will remain the same, the minimum and maximums have been modified.  […]

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USTR Releases Official List 2 Exclusion Process

The office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) officially published the List 2 exclusion process on Tuesday, September 18th. The official notice and exclusion process can be found HERE. Please take note of the following key points as they relate to the exclusion filing process: The final list of Section 301 tariffs affected by […]

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List 3 Tariffs on $200 Billion Worth of Chinese Imports to Take Effect on Monday, September 24th

We are sorry to report that the (dreaded) day has finally arrived…    In the Administration’s continued attempt to bolster U.S. manufacturing, Section 301 List 3 tariffs have been finalized—and are set to take effect next Monday, September 24th. Affected importers should expect to pay an additional 10% in tariffs through the remainder of the […]

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Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Becomes Law and Reduces Tariffs on Nearly 1,700 Items

The Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB) became law on September 13th, 2018 and will go into effect on October 13th, 2018, following a 30-day grace period. The bill provides tariff reductions on roughly 1,700 items through 2020 and was originally proposed by the International Trade Commission (ITC) as a means of maintaining and enhancing the competitiveness […]

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List 3 Tariffs Could go into Effect as Early as Friday, September 7th

We are hearing from the media—and you may be as well– that tariffs on List 3 could go into effect as early as Friday, September 7th.   We find this hard to believe, but feel it is important to share what we are thinking: The period for public comment on List 3 tariffs is officially ending on Thursday, September 6th.  One would […]

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President Trump Announces the “United States–Mexico Trade Agreement”

The United States Trade Representative (USTR) has released three U.S.-Mexico Trade Fact Sheets announcing that the United States and Mexico have reached a preliminary agreement, in principle, to update the 24-year-old NAFTA with modern provisions representing a 21st century, high-standard agreement.  The updated agreement will support mutually beneficial trade leading to freer markets, fairer trade, […]

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List 2 Section 301 Duties to go into Effect on August 23rd

On Monday, August 7th the office of the United States Trade Representatives (USTR) published its finalized second list, officially known as “List 2”, of Chinese products; these tariffs will be subject to additional duties effective August 23rd. In its final iteration, “List 2” places additional duties of 25% on $16 billion of Chinese products, spanning […]

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China Retaliates, No Sign of Trade War Ending

On Friday, August 3rd, China announced that they will impose their own set of tariffs on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods if President Trump moves forward with his plan to further increase tariffs. Last week, the Trump administration announced they are considering an increased tariff rate on List 3 items from 10% additional duty […]

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Trump Considers Increasing Proposed Tariffs From 10 Percent to 25 Percent Against Chinese Goods

President Trump has announced that he is considering increasing the tariff rate percentage from 10% additional duty to 25% on List 3 items, which is an additional $200 billion worth of goods from China. This would be applied to approximately 6,000 tariff lines from China. A complete list of the products subjected to the tariffs […]

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USTR List of Tariffs on $200 Billion in Chinese Goods Released

President Trump took another stab at the ongoing trade war between the United States and China on Tuesday, as the U.S. Trade Representative released a list of tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese products. The proposed list consists of a 10 percent tariff on 6,031 8-digit tariff lines. This announcement comes after President Trump threatened […]

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Apply for Your Product Exclusion for Chinese Products Subject to Section 301 Tariffs

The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced a process to obtain product exclusions from the additional tariffs in effect on certain products imported from China (Section 301 tariffs). The Text of the Federal Register notice outlining the criteria and process for a product exclusion request and public requests, responses, and replies will be received via Regulations.gov. […]

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Section 301 Tariffs Going into Effect Friday

Trump officially announced last month that the United States is moving forward with imposing tariffs of $50 billion on Chinese products that contain “industrially significant technologies.” As the trade war between the US and China looms, the United States will begin to enforce a 25% percent tariff on 818 Chinese products, valuing $34 billion worth […]

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Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act of 2017 Implementation

Under the CBMA, reduced tax rates and/or tax credits are applicable to importations of certain limited quantities of distilled spirits, beer, or wine imported from each qualifying foreign producer. Further, the foreign producer must have affirmatively assigned those rates or tax credits to an importer or importers, and the quantity assigned to all importers by […]

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Trump Follows Through with Imposing Tariffs on $50 Billion of Chinese Goods

Early Friday, President Trump officially announced that the United States would impose tariffs of $50 billion on Chinese goods, in retaliation against China for intellectual property theft. In April, the White House announced the planned tariffs and released a list of possible goods subjected, but had a deadline until today, June 15th, to unveil a […]

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Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum for U.S. Allies Take Effect by End of Day

President Trump has announced that tariffs imposed on three of the U.S.’s biggest trading partners will go into effect by the end of the day, Thursday, May 31st. Earlier this year, Trump announced a 25% tariff on steel and 10% on aluminum imports for the European Union, Canada, and Mexico, but agreed to give an […]

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