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Common Terminology: Government Sponsored Security/Compliance Programs & Initiatives

Government Sponsored Security/Compliance Programs & Initiatives

Importer Security Filing
A regulation intended to satisfy provisions outlined in the Security and Accountability for Every (SAFE) Port Act of 2006, which requires the submission of additional data elements for improved highrisk targeting. Importers are required to electronically submit 10 data elements 24 hours prior to loading; carriers are required to electronically submit 2 data elements. ISF data will be used to betterassess and identify high-risk shipments to prevent terrorist weapons and materials from entering the United States.
24 Hour Manifest Rule
This term refers to a CBP regulation which requires all ocean carriers, including NVOCCs, to submit detailed cargo manifest information to CBP at least 24 hours prior to loading of all intermodal containers and breakbulk cargo onto a vessel at a foreign port destined to a U.S. port. The 2002 24 Hour Rule has been incorporated into an expanded set of Advance Electronic Information requirements, published in final rule form in December 2003, applicable to all U.S. import as well as export cargo via all transportation modes. Under the initial as well as the subsequent rules, the 24 hour advanced notice to CBP applies both to cargo that will be unloaded at a U.S. port, including in-transit cargo, aswell as cargo destined to non-U.S. ports remaining on-board the vessel during U.S. port calls (FROB cargo).
(Americas Counter Smuggling Initiative) ACSI builds upon the CIP and BASC programs by expanding anti-narcotics security programs with industry and government throughout Central and South America. Customs officers are detailed in ACSI target countries to assist exporters, carriers, manufacturers in developing and implementing security programs to safeguard legitimate trade from being used to smuggle drugs. The program also includes training of counterpart foreign Customs officials.
(Business Anti-Smuggling Coalition) BASC is a business-led alliance to combat narcotics smuggling, and complement and enhance CIP by examining the entire process of manufacturing and shipping merchandise from foreign countries to the U.S. It emphasizes the creation of a more security-conscious environment at the foreign manufacturing plants to reduce or even eliminate product vulnerability to drug smuggling. This is a business led program supported by Customs with their expertise and training. Membership includes over 4500 companies in Central & South America.
(Carrier Initiative Program) This is a program by CBP to encourage commercial transportation carriers to assist in detecting and preventing the flow of illicit drugs, and to provide carriers with the incentive to improve their security and their drug smuggling awareness. As part of the program, CBP provides training to carrier personnel in search techniques, risk assessments, concealment techniques, document review, physical and procedural security, personnel hiring, drug source countries, drug characteristics, and internal smuggling conspiracies. Over 4,100 carriers have signed Carrier Initiative Agreements with CBP.
(Container Security Initiative) A security program introduced by U.S. Customs in 2002 and coordinated through the World Customs Organization (WCO) to screen and selectively inspect cargo loaded into intermodal containers prior to loading on board vessels. CBP enters into an agreement with the host country authorities to station U.S. Customs inspectors at the origin port and receive cooperation from the local Customs authorities.
(Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism program is a voluntary initiative designed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that focuses on the development of cooperative relationships between Customs and the business community. The goal of this program is to strengthen the security of our borders as well as the security of the overall supply chain while facilitating the flow of legitimate trade. C-TPAT members undertake specified security measures in return for more favorable treatment with respect to security-based inspection of their imported cargo shipments, particularly containerized cargo. The program is open to U.S. importers and the transportation carriers and others providing supply chain services, such as Customs brokers, ocean transportation intermediaries, air freight consolidators, NVOCCs, and cargo terminal operators.
Focused Assessment
The Focused Assessment Program is the risk-based method used by Customs Regulatory Audit division to conduct compliance assessments and audits for verification of the correctness of import entries and declarations. This allows Customs to identify weaknesses that indicate a potential risk of non-compliance. If system controls are adequate, the review ends there. If however, controls are inadequate, Customs will conduct sufficient tests of transactions to quantify the risk.
(Importer Self Assessment) Under ISA, an importer assumes responsibility for proactively monitoring their compliance with Customs laws and regulations. Membership in the ISA program requires application to CBP by an importer, and requires and complements an importer’s participation in the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT.)
(Super Carrier Initiative Program) This is a more intensive version of CBP’s Carrier Initiative Program (CIP) for those carriers at highest risk of being used for illicit drug (primarily cocaine) smuggling.

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