There is an update to the Section 301 tariff increases. As expected, the USTR has published in the Federal Register requests for comments on the proposed modifications to the Section 301 Chinese tariffs and the exclusion process for certain products.

The three categories under review are:

  • Adding or Increasing Section 301 Duty Rates for many products related to electronics and semiconductors.
  • Identifying subheadings for Machinery Exclusions.
  • Granting temporary exclusions for solar equipment.

Comments on the proposal may be submitted via the USTR’s electronic portal from May 29 through June 29, 2024.

It should be noted that the notice does not make any mention of the current exclusions set to expire in 8 days on May 31st.

For more information on Section 301 tariffs, visit our Tariff News page.

Shapiro will continue to monitor the situation and provide status updates as they become available.