One-month extension granted for CA/MX products falling under USMCA (Updated: 3/6)

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Intellectual Property Rights

Rights vs. Wrongs

Customs and Border Protection has identified Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) as a Priority Trade Issue (PTI).

PTIs represent high-risk areas that can cause significant revenue loss, harm the U.S. economy, and/or threaten the health and safety of the American people.

In 2016, IPR seizures

increased over 9% reaching 31,560

up from 28,865 in 2015.

CBP prohibits the importation of any products that infringe on U.S. trademarks, copyrights, or exclusion orders issued by the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC).

If your product is subject to IPR requirements, or if you need information regarding registering your IPR with CBP, visit the following public resources:

Customs’ Centers of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) have transformed the way they approach trade operations.  They also work with the international trade community to facilitate the timely resolution of trade compliance issues nationwide.

                             Click for Full Resource

Specific IPR questions? Contact CEE Directly!